06:30:08.569 19.09.2024


Contract number 81084
Product name Бетонная смесь
Product brand М-250
Product Size
Sort product
Product type
Product class В-20
Tnved 3824501000
Product group Прочие
Product category Building materials and metals
Section Строительные материалы и металлы
Unit тонна
Lot 2
Currency Узбекский сум
Price 11000015.23
Bail amount 1 %
Delevry conditions EXW
Location 111111
Country Республика Узбекистан
Contract type Internal
Delevry period 360
Payment period 360
Information on VAT Payers 302636915-KLIMKINA ANGELINA DMITRIYEVNA
How get information that your organization is a VAT payer?
Special conditions 11111111111111111
Account balance 201018600010140000003220001